Water biological treatment
We perform water treatments with ecological products and cutting-edge technologies for optimal maintenance of water quality. Organic mud often accumulates on lake bottoms, emitting unpleasant odors in summer, reducing water quality and visibility. In general, these conditions can kill fish and birds, and promote large blooms of algae and aquatic weeds.
Below we detail some of the products we use are:
In the event that before starting the treatment of the lake there is a bloom of algae, it may first be necessary to remove them and use hospital grade disinfectants to be able to start treatment.
Sediment biological treatment
Bacterial products specially designed to digest sludge use the nutrients in the water to convert carbon compounds (sludge) to CO2; denitrification occurs under anaerobic conditions (NO3 to NO2, to N2), and nitrification occurs under aerobic conditions (NH3 to NO2 to NO3). The result is a reduction in the levels of sludge and nutrients that are available for the growth of algae and other aquatic plants.
By using beneficial bacteria that slowly digest organic sediments, a sequential process occurs:
Aquatic vegetation pruning
We can carry out the pruning and cleaning of weeds and aquatic plants in the lake using machines and amphibians through the need to move large machinery. In this way, deterioration of the areas surrounding the lake is avoided. Next we list the types of plants that are necessary to prune or collect:
Emerging plants shed part of their foliage during the winter that settles to the bottom and consequently releases nutrients during decomposition.
Floating and submerged plants release roots and parts of their foliage that are normally sucked up by irrigation systems, causing blockages. If they are not aspirated, they settle to the bottom and release nutrients during their decomposition.